
Training for University Students

In order to educate university students, a number of workshops and meetings have been held in different cities. During “Environment Fair” in University of Yazd, the Iranian Cheetah Society represented by Yasaman Hasan Beigi, ICS Conservation Educator graduated from the University of Yazd organized a cheetah booth which has a special guest, a Stuffed Cheetah which was recently killed in road incidents in southern Yazd. University students as well as common people visited the cheetah booth in the most important province for the Iranian cheetahs in the country.

In northeastern Iran, enthusiastic students of University of Sabzevar invited the ICS to participate in their first “Ecotourism Conference”. Motreza Eslami, ICS Managing Director was among the guests who gave a lecture about the cheetahs and their future in Iran. Also, he accompanied the students during their visit to one of the most outstanding habitats for gazelles in Iran, Shirahmad Wildlife Refuge.

Also, before finishing April, Iranian Students Organization which is led by the Iranian Ministry of Higher Education asked Mohammad Farhadinia to hold a workshop entitled “Entrepreneurship in Environment & Biodiversity” for university students who wish to work on the field which was represented by more than 20 students NGOs from Iranian universities. Capacity building programs for university students has been always an essential issue for the Iranian Cheetah Society (ICS) to train them for conservation, research and local education programs in Iran.  





Ecotourism Conference in University of Sabzevar




Environment Fair in University of Yazd