The second festival of Asiatic Cheetah Conservation day is going to be held since 27 to 31 August in Darabad Museum of Nature and Wildlife in Tehran. During these events which has been the innovative plan of Iranian Cheetah Society (ICS) with corporation of environmental organization and some of the NGOs, some nomadic and educational programs will be held due to introducing the cheetah to public. With a minimum population of 70 to 100, the Asiatic cheetah is known as the Iranian cheetah inside its last stronghold. Considering this day as cheetahs day has the main aim of enlightening public about Iranian cheetah and it also boosts public awareness about such pieces all over the country.
Darabad Museum of Nature and Wildlife is hosting the second festival of Iranian cheetah protection day in Tehran. During the festival some governmental organization and NGOs such as ICS hold different educational programs such as movies, issuing pamphlets and posters, having some speeches for public about cheetah, educational games, holding painting competition, cheetah theater, etc. Finally, a joint statement is read in order to support the cheetah in the country.
Since 2007, the Iranian Cheetah Society (ICS) nominated 31 August as the Asiatic Cheetah Conservation Day which was widely accepted among the relevant Iranian GOs and NGOs. On the same date in 1994, Marita, a few months old cheetah cub along with her two sisters and mother came to a spring adjacent to the city of Bafq to drink some water in a hot noon. Unfortunately, the family was attacked by some local people, the mother run away and just Marita was rescued out of the three young cheetahs. Marita was held in Pardisan Park till 2004 the only captive Asiatic cheetahs in the world.
Based on ICS surveys, Bafq Protected Area has had the highest cheetah mortality rate due to human causes. Therefore, since 2002, the Iranian Cheetah Society (ICS) has been implementing an educational project with support of UNDP/GEF/Small Grants Program and the Iranian Department of the Environment to educate local people inside Bafq Protected Area. At the moment, local activities are being monitoring by local NGOs with supervision of ICS.
Statement of the Asiatic Cheetah Protection Day
31 August 2007 (The First Cheetah Day)
It has been 13 years since the day when a rare young cheetah was rescued from an unavoidable death .public has been scared of the young cheetah and her family. Their fear originated from their unawareness, maybe if they had known that the cheetah was not a threat to them and their livestock, and if they had known cheetahs situation and if they were aware of the preciousness of that creature they wouldn