Recent findings show that there are less than 40 Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus) left in deserts of Iran. Regarding this fact, the Iranian Department of Environment(DOE) decided to deliberate options to save the last individuals of Asiatic Cheetahs in the country.
After numerous meetings, workshops, and site visits, DOE concluded that South Africa’s experience with fenced reserves might be a potential solution to save Asiatic Cheetahs. Through this period, Iranian Cheetah Society (ICS) facilitated connection and information exchange between DOE and South African reserves and experts.
Meanwhile, it was so crucial to have a clear guideline before starting any constructions of fenced reserve based on global experiences on breeding Cheetahs.
There was no comprehensive and accessible instructions or manual to demonstrate steps needed to establish a fenced reserve in Iran. That was essential to have this guidance for site selection, design, construction, and management of a fenced reserve for Cheetah.
After an official request by DOE, ICS made a comprehensive survey on all available data on planning and managing the fenced reserves. All research was focused on enhancing the reproduction chance in the future reserve. Various articles, protocols, reports, books, and manuals being used to prepare the final report.
In the end, we optimized procedures and structures with local laws and Asiatic Cheetah’s ecology.
cheetah habitat
Mining plan threatens critical cheetah habitat in central Iran
A plan for open-pit mining in Darreh Anjir Wildlife Refuge, Yazd Province, continues to threaten efforts to save the Asiatic cheetah from extinction. Darreh Anjir is a key cheetah reserve in central Iran, supporting a small population of the Critically-Endangered Asiatic cheetah in the Southern Landscape. Intensive camera-trapping surveys conducted by the Iranian Cheetah Society (ICS) have shown that all cheetah individuals identified in Yazd Province since 2012 have visited Darreh Anjir at least once.
The status of the permit for the iron ore mine, which would largely affect the entire reserve, remains in limbo, despite multiple objections by Iran Department of Environment. As a result, ICS has released a statement of concern, asking the Vice President of Iran and Head of Iran DoE, Dr. Masoumeh Ebtekar, to suspend any attempts for mining in Darreh Anjir, as well as other cheetah habitats in Iran.